
Showing posts from February, 2023

When Do Blue Heeler Puppies Stop Biting? 12 Ways To Stop It

A blue heeler puppy is one of the cutest things you’ll ever see, but they are known to bite. It’s nice to think that kids will stop doing these things as they get older, but there’s a good chance they won’t. If this is the case, you will need to know how to stop your... source

Do Yorkies Change Color? 14 Interesting Things To Know

Yorkshire terriers don’t come into the world with their typical blue and tan coats. The black and gold coats that these toy breeds are born with change into their adult coats during their first year of life. The American Kennel Club breed standards say that an adult dog’s coat must be dark steel blue from... source

Why Does My Cockapoo Smell So Bad? 5 Reasons & Solutions

We all love dogs, but sometimes they stink. Some people might not want to buy a dog if it smells bad. Some poodle mix breeds don’t stink, which is good news. Cockapoos do they stink?How do Cockapoos smell in comparison to other dog breeds?(Would they smell like a big Bernedoodle?) This is a common set... source

Are Corgis Good With Kids? 7 Facts To Know

Corgis are cute and friendly, but did you know that they were once used to herd sheep? Since they have worked on farms for years, you can expect them to be active. But what should you expect from your Corgi when your kids are around? Are Corgis good dogs for kids? Corgi Information People often... source

Will a Parakeet Die of Loneliness? 13 Secrets Revealed

Budgies, which are short for parakeets, are the third most popular pet in the United States, after dogs and cats. They are small and brightly coloured, and their personalities can be very happy and full of life. People who just got their first parakeet often ask if having only one bird will make it lonely... source

Can Beagles Eat Eggs? 7 Things You Need To Know

As a true dog lover, you know that “people food” can make your dog fat or sick, but there are some things you can add to your dog’s diet to make it healthier and give them more variety in their meals. The egg is one of these tasty treats that your dog can eat and... source

Can Huskies Eat Eggs? 17 Facts You May Not Know

As the owner of a husky, I want to make sure that my dog gets the best nutrition possible. I wanted to know if I could give my husky eggs to eat. So I looked into things. Can a husky eat an egg? Eggs are a good source of protein for huskies, which can eat... source

When Should A Blue Heeler Be Neutered? 12 Hidden Secrets

Do you ever wonder when is the best time to have your Blue Heeler spayed or neutered? This article will talk about the process of neutering and when it is best to do it. When Should a Blue Heeler Be Spayed or Neutered? If your Blue Heeler is younger than a year, you should get... source

Can Rottweilers Run Long Distances? 14 Interesting Facts

Dogs require a lot of exercise. Running is a sort of exercise that we may believe is appropriate for all dog breeds. When it comes to the rottweiler breed, there are numerous factors to consider before deciding whether or not to run with them. Do Rottweilers have the ability to run long distances? Rottweilers are... source

How Long do Beagles Reproduce? 5 Facts To Know

You may be wondering what age your dog should be if you want to breed it. Different dog breeds had their own methods and appropriate ages, but what about beagles? How long do beagles stay around? The best age for a beagle to have puppies is between 2 and 7 years old, but this breed... source

How Long Do German Shepherds Reproduce? 8 Things To Know

Perhaps you are new to the German Shepherd breed, or perhaps your dog escaped one day and you discovered she is pregnant. Whatever the case may be, you may be thinking about breeding your German Shepherd but are unsure how to go about it. As the owner of a German Shepherd, I’ve often wondered about... source

16 Thing You Need to Know About Snake Morphs

Corn snakes are harmless snakes that live in the southeastern part of the United States. They are about a foot long and have patterns of bright colors. Corn snakes are mostly quiet and easy to take care of. People like to keep them as pets. But corn snake owners should be careful, because these beautiful... source

How to Get Great Danes to Calm Down? 4 Reasons & 6 Solutions

All dog owners need to know how to calm their dogs, but giant breeds like Great Danes need it even more. A Great Dane that is not under control can cause a lot of trouble because it is so big, strong, and loud. Like dogs of all breeds, Great Dane puppies will have more energy... source

When Should A Yorkie Be Neutered? 18 Things To Know

Neutering your Yorkie should be done between the ages of 4 and 6 months and no later than 1 year. Neutering a dog that is too old or too young can cause problems that can be avoided if the dog is neutered when it is in the right age range. Neutering your Yorkie is thought... source

Can Snakes and Lizards Live Together? 9 Facts To Consider

If you like reptiles, you might want to know if you can keep different kinds in the same tank. So it makes sense to ask, “Is it possible for snakes and lizards to live together?” Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer to this problem because it has to do with more than one thing. Most... source

How Long do Reticulated Pythons Get? 9 Secrets Revealed

I wanted to know how long reticulated pythons live and how long it takes for them to grow up, so I did some research. I did this research because it’s important to know how long each species of snake grows and how long it takes them to get to that length when deciding which type... source

Do German Shepherds Bond With One Person? 8 Facts

People often say that German Shepherds are “one-person dogs.” But this isn’t always true, and it’s a lie. Most German Shepherds aren’t as open with their love as other breeds are. They won’t jump on everyone’s laps and beg for pets from each guest. That’s not who they are. Instead, they tend to only show... source

Husky Temperament: What’s it Like Owning One?

Huskies seem to be calm and easygoing. Even though they are called “arctic dogs,” what are their real traits? Keep reading if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to own a husky. So, how is it to live with a husky? Most people who own huskies like having these wolf-like dogs as pets. Their high... source

How Big Do Great Danes Get? 9 Facts + Plus Size Info for Mix Breeds

The Great Dane, which is also called the “Apollo of Dogs,” is a big breed of dog with a friendly personality. In spite of their name, Great Danes are not from Denmark. They were first raised by German lords so they could hunt boar. They are known for being gentle, patient, and fiercely protective of... source

Pug Intelligence: Are They Really Dumb Like Some People Say?

Pugs are a breed of dog with a lot of personality, which is probably something all pug owners will agree on. Along with their personality and behaviour, people often think about how smart they are: Are pugs dumb or intelligent dogs? On Stanley Coren’s list of the smartest dogs, pugs come in at number 108... source

Rottweiler Intelligence: 8 Facts You May Not Know

Rottweilers are big, drooly dogs that look cute but can hurt you if they turn against you. Even though their size is obvious, rotties are also smart. In fact, Rottweilers are considered to be one of the smartest dog breeds. Rottweilers beat their rivals in almost every way, which is why they are considered the... source

Rottweiler Temperament: What’s it Like Owning One? 8 Facts

A Rottweiler has the personality of a faithful watchdog as well as a homebody full of love. Many people associate these dogs with attributes such as violence, meanness, and off-puttingness; however, as with any animal, it all depends on how they are raised. This breed has some misconceptions, but it has many advantages.Please continue reading... source

Why Do Bichons Whine So Much? 5 Reasons & Solutions

The Maltese is a small dog that looks a lot like the Bichon Frise. Its French name means “curly lap dog” in English. Even though it is small, the Bichon Frise is very strong. Their necks are long, and their chests are strong. They have a soft, non-allergenic coat that is loosely curled, and they... source

German Shepherd/Pug Mixes (Shug): Pictures, Cost to Buy, and More!

The German Shepherd and the Pug were mixed to make the Shih Tzu, which is a medium-sized breed. The Shug looks like both of its parents, with a stocky, chubby body, a deep, broad chest, and a short muzzle. Its ears could stand up like a German Shepherd’s or hang down like a pug’s. Its... source

What Age Is A Cocker Spaniel Fully Grown? 13 Explanations

The Cocker Spaniel is an English purebred dog that is about medium size. Medium-sized dogs usually weigh between 20 and 60 pounds and are between 8 and 27 inches tall. Cocker spaniels are right in the middle, standing 15 inches tall and weighing about 30 pounds on average. Cocker spaniels were once used to hunt... source

Can Rottweilers Stay Outside in the Cold? 7 Things To Know

As winter comes closer, we want to be as prepared as we can be for the cold weather. But what are our dogs supposed to do? It’s important to know how to take care of your rottweiler when it’s hot outside. This guide should answer any questions you have about what to do with your... source

Do Blue Heelers Change Colors? 5 Answers Might Surprise You

Have you ever heard that blue heelers can change colours and wondered if it’s true? This post is for you if you do. We’ll answer these and a few other questions about a blue heeler’s colour. Blue Heelers are born white, but by the time they are four weeks old, they have different shades of... source

Are Corgis Big Chewers? 4 Facts Revealed

More and more people are getting Corgis. A decade ago, these little furballs weren’t even in the top twenty most popular dogs in the US. Now, they’re in the top ten. That’s quite a big jump. People like them because of social media, pop culture, and, of course, the Queen of England. But none of... source

Can Corgis Be Left Outside? 8 Secrets You Need To Know

Most people live in big cities these days, so they have to pick a flat to live in. If you want to share your home with a dog, try to take it for frequent walks.even more so if they have more than one corgi. On the other hand, people who live in the country can... source

Are Corgis Picky Eaters? 4 Facts You Need To Know

Corgis are so different from one another. Some dogs will eat anything, but others have a more refined (or “selective”) taste and get tired of their regular dog food quickly. What can you do if your corgi stops eating or stops being interested in their food? A dog that is picky about what it eats... source

Are Corgis Picky Eaters? 4 Facts You Need To Know

Corgis are so different from one another. Some dogs will eat anything, but others have a more refined (or “selective”) taste and get tired of their regular dog food quickly. What can you do if your corgi stops eating or stops being interested in their food? A dog that is picky about what it eats... source

When Do Corgi Puppies Stop Biting? 7 Things To Consider

No matter what kind of dog or how old it is, a puppy is a lot of fun. They are full of life and curiosity, and their warm fur makes it hard to say no. Some new pet owners may be surprised when their Corgi puppy bites them after being so cute. Biting and nipping... source

How Smart Are Corgis? 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About It

You might think, “Corgis are so small, they only like to play and cuddle.” But that’s not the case. Corgis are very smart dogs, which they show in a number of ways. They do well when they can break up groups of land animals and learn from their own mistakes. Corgis are one of the... source

When Should A Corgi Be Spayed? 10 Importances & Conditions

The parent and the vet must decide whether or not to spay the female Corgi and when to do it. This is because they know the health of the dog best. Spaying your female Corgi is a big decision, so make sure you do it when the time is right. When Should A Corgi Be... source

Why Beagle Puppies Make Good Dogs For Kids? 9 Reasons

A beagle puppy is very cute. You are worried, though, about how well they will get along with your kids. So, how do beagle puppies act around kids? The beagle is friendly and has a lot of energy, which makes it a great pet, especially for kids who like to play outside. The naturally active... source

Do Corgis Need A Lot Of Attention? 7 Facts You Didn’t Know

If you’re thinking about getting a dog, make sure it’s the right breed for where you live. If you don’t have a lot of time for your dog, you should be careful to choose a breed that doesn’t need a lot of attention. If you are thinking about getting a Corgi, you should first find... source

Why Do Breeders Keep Kittens Until 12 Weeks? 3 Facts

Most kittens are kept by their breeders until they are 12 weeks old. This information makes many people who want to get a cat sad. After all, a little kitten is the cutest thing there is. Why then do breeders keep kittens until they are 12 weeks old? Why Do Breeders Keep Kittens Until 12... source

Why Do Mother Cats Hiss At Their Kittens? 12 Hidden Reasons

Most likely, your cat is hissing at her kittens because she is scolding them for being bad, she is stressed out or worried, or she hasn’t seen them in a long time and doesn’t know who they are. So, now you know. Could this lead to violence, though? How can you make sure this doesn’t... source

Do Kittens Get Less Affectionate With Age? 5 Explanations

Cuddling with a cute little kitten is one of life’s best things. Kittens grow up fast, so enjoy them while they’re still small. And as your kitten gets older, you might worry that it won’t be as cuddly anymore. Do kittens get less affectionate with age? There are many reasons why kittens and cats might... source

When Do Ragdoll Kittens’ Eyes Turn Blue? 8 Things To Know

Ragdoll cats are one of the most fun animals to be around because they have so many interesting traits. Aside from the fact that they like to throw themselves around the house, they are known for their beautiful blue eyes. Ragdoll kittens don’t all have blue eyes when they are born, but their eyes will... source

Can Eight-Week Old Kittens Be Left Alone? 6 Facts Revealed

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I just finished a series on how to care for newborn kittens who were left alone. If you have been reading week by week, we began in week two and are now in week eight! This series has tried to tell you everything... source

Do Kittens Lose Their Baby Fur? 7 Things You May Not Know

Nearly every kitten is born with a soft, fluffy coat. Some people who just got a new kitten might be surprised because they were hoping for a sleeker cat. Is a kitten’s fluffy fur always there, or do they lose it when they grow up? Do kittens lose their baby fur? At five months, your... source

Can Kittens Use Hooded Litter Trays? 8 Facts You Should Know

Hooded litter boxes are a very easy way to keep litter from getting all over your house. On the other hand, cats seem to like being alone. But when can you start giving your cat a litter box with a cover? Hooded litter trays can be used by cats. Can Kittens Use Hooded Litter Trays?... source